Increase Curb Appeal
Summer is here, along with warmer, drier weather! Home buyers will be looking for potential real estate purchases.
Even if you’re not selling, you want to think about how your home looks from the street, so you aren’t dragging down the neighborhood! Here are some tips.
What I love here is the stonework and manicured plantings with wood highlights on the ceiling, windows, and door. Make sure your approach to the entrance is uncluttered and has varied interest like this one.
Here’s a tidy front door with a wood pattern that matches the neighbors’ place in an outdoor apartment approach. If you’re in an HOA or neighborhood association, make sure you’re keeping any required features. It can be the neighborhood as a whole that sells individual houses.
Look at this great pathway to the front door under a Craftsman roof! A memorable feature is repeating the wooden shingles on the mailbox. You need at least one standout feature that sets you apart from the competition.
This double-aspect entrance and garage looks great on a clean, unbroken driveway. Resurface your driveway if you need to.
A white picket fence is the dream for many. Rails along the front porch echo the lines from the fence, giving the impression of an organized home that won’t need lots of repairs. Make sure you do any needed repairs before you put your home on the market.
This cottage twee arched gate fits this house perfectly and would really stand out from a standard entrance. The gate is the first thing buyers may see, the definition of curb appeal.
Drought-resistant plantings offer easy upkeep to a prospective buyer. If your yard doesn’t hit the right note, hire a landscape architect. The investment will pay off when you sell your home quickly and at top dollar.
To transform your home into your dream destination, Kimball Starr can help! Contact her today for an in-person socially-distanced or remote meeting.