Mar 22, 2021 | read more
As the world of working from home becomes the new normal, the need for a comfortable space to do that work is higher than ever before. You don’t have to give up a whole room just for your office, though. We found pocket offices from around the web, to inspire you! Linen Closet Repurpose your […]
Jul 27, 2020 | read more
You may have heard of Marie Kondo, the home organization specialist whose ideas have taken the world by storm in the past few years. Kondo’s concept is to ask yourself, as you edit your belongings, Does this spark joy? If it doesn’t, thank the item for its contribution to your life and then set it […]
Jun 29, 2020 | read more
Even though many shelter-in-place orders are lifting, it’s still not the best idea to be traveling for leisure just yet. Here are some ideas for a safe, quarantine vacation at home. Have a Theme Staycation Many people don’t have funds or time available for a long trip, even outside of the pandemic situation, so the […]
Jan 27, 2020 | read more
Near the end of 2019, a legendary lighting designer, Ingo Maurer, passed away. He left behind a huge body of inspiring work, and today I’m sharing a few of his ideas. Ingo Maurer’s passion for light began in the mid 1960s, birthed from some of his earliest memories of fishing with his father, seeing the […]