Sep 25, 2019 | read more
Sometimes, ordinary just won’t do. Sometimes you need a custom-designed solution to make a space superior. For example, for a client who loves modern and cozy — design aspects that don’t always go together — I custom-created the fireplace and surround above to contrast with the warm, knotty cedar wood wall construction, and personalized with […]
May 20, 2019 | read more
We’re entering the summer travel season, with Memorial Day coming up quickly. For fun, here are five interior design images and ideas inspired by wanderlust! There’s nothing quite like swinging lazily, napping in a hammock. Bring that peaceful feeling to your home, in an attic, basement, or guest bedroom for a delightful surprise. An ingenious […]
Sep 03, 2009 | read more
Often times great art can come about by accident. For instance, I was driving along and wanted to capture the sky at twilight, but with my limited knowledge of camera apertures and the use of one unsteady hand to take the photo while driving resulted in… accidental art. How many of you have taken a photo at night and didn’t […]