Kimball Starr donated her services to redesign this chemotherapy treatment room at Marin Cancer Care hospital. Before the redesign, the dreary room of a mere 8 feet wide felt extremely claustrophobic and depressing for patients having to lie in a bed for up to 8 hours per treatment. "When I first saw the state of this room it brought tears to my eyes and I knew this was the room where change was needed most," says Kimball.
With the help of Rooms That Rock 4 Chemo and many generous donors, the room was visually enlarged by placing a full wall length photomural of Mount Hood on one wall, and using a soothing color palette of cream and violet. Nature photographs taken by Kimball on her travels across the country were framed and hung on the opposite wall to complete the serene and healing imagery of the nature-themed room.
The room is named Sophia's room in honor of Kimball's grandmother who survived colon cancer.